Moral and Political Economy

Address economic challenges across social, cultural, and political contexts.

The moral and political economy major encourages you to think across disciplines to come up with new and integrated approaches to ongoing societal issues. You’ll choose from a number of focus tracks based on a crucial problem, or propose an original focus track tailored to your specific interests.


Social Theories of the Economy

This course is an intensive introduction to writings that put economic life in its historical, political, ethical, and philosophical contexts.

Research Lab

This class will serve as a venue for you to pursue research projects of your own design. Each seminar will be focused on a loosely defined theme, providing structure, deadlines, and a support system for independent research.

Elements of Macroeconomics

In this introduction to the economic system and economic analysis, you’ll study topics like total national income and output, employment, the price level and inflation, money, the government budget, the national debt, and interest rates.

Join the Club

Hopkins students are eager to pursue their interests outside the classroom. With 450+ student-led organizations, here are just a few you could join: