Systems Engineering
Venturing beyond the confines of traditional engineering coursework.
Systems engineering is trans-disciplinary and collaborative, connecting mathematics, engineering, social and physical sciences, and medicine. This program provides the tools required to envision solutions to big-picture problems in a range of applications. You’ll gain significant experience in collaborative problem solving that will serve you in a broad range of careers, including those related to future energy infrastructure, smart cities, decision-making in healthcare, data mining and decision making, and cybersecurity of infrastructure.
Civilization Engineered
Solving the challenges our society faces—resilient cities, human safety and security, decision-making and healthcare, energy infrastructure, and space exploration and habitation, among others—will require an interdisciplinary approach. This course will look to the past, studying the engineering solutions developed by ancient civilizations, and at the current state of affairs, in preparation for designing solutions to the grand challenges of the future.
Intro to Mathematical Decision Making
This first course in mathematical decision-making and optimization uses quantitative approaches to problem solving. We introduce mathematical modeling and its formulations, solutions methods, output analysis, and hands-on solution techniques.
Natural Disaster Risk Modeling
This course will introduce the student to disaster risk modeling process, including: structure of catastrophe models and uses in loss estimation and mitigation, study and modeling of hazards (esp. hurricanes and earthquakes; also flood, landslide, and volcanic), vulnerability assessment including simulation of building damage, and estimation of post-disaster injuries and casualties.
Faculty Spotlight
Join the Club
Hopkins students are eager to pursue their interests outside the classroom. With 450+ student-led organizations, here are just a few you could join:
- Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AHMB)
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
- Engineers Without Borders
- GreenHacks
- HopAI
- HopHacks
- Johns Hopkins Association for Computing Machinery
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)