Space Science and Engineering

Think quantitatively about real-world problems.
Apply your understanding and mastery of the fundamental scientific, engineering, and mathematical principles to space science and space engineering. You’ll develop versatile approaches to technical activities and improve your ability to work in multidisciplinary teams with access to state-of-the-art resources and a strong community.
With this minor, you’ll be prepared for a career in space science and space engineering, either directly as an entering professional in industry, government laboratories, and other organizations, or as a student in a graduate program.

Introduction to Space, Science, and Technology
Topics include space astronomy, remote observing of the earth, space physics, planetary exploration, human space flight, space environment, orbits, propulsion, spacecraft design, attitude control, and communication.

Introduction to Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei
This course introduces the physics of galaxies and their constituents: stars, gas, dust, dark matter, and a supermassive black hole in the central regions.

Dynamics of Robots and Spacecraft
This course introduces Lagrangian mechanics with application to robot and spacecraft dynamics and control. Topics include rigid body kinematics, efficient formulation of equations of motion by using Lagrange’s equations, solutions of equations of motion, Hamilton’s principle, and introduction to stability and control theory.
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