
Think quantitatively about real-world problems.
By the end of the program, you’ll share an understanding of classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, and have acquired physics lab skills that will support you in your pursuits. Our classes are small enough for individual attention and to ensure each year’s cohort of majors forms a strong social bond early on. You’ll have numerous opportunities to join research teams, and nearly all our majors participate in research projects with many co-authoring journal articles.

Classical Mechanics I
This in-depth introduction to classical mechanics is intended for physics majors/minors and others with a strong interest in physics.

Contemporary Physics Seminar
This seminar explores contemporary experimental and theoretical issues in the field. You’ll read and discuss reviews from current literature and are expected to make an oral or written presentation.

Quantum Mechanics I
Explore the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics. Topics include: uncertainty relations, Schrodinger equation in one and three dimensions, tunneling, harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, spin, Pauli principle, perturbation theory (time-independent and time-dependent), transition probabilities and selection rules, atomic structure, and scattering theory.
Faculty Spotlight

Join the Club
Hopkins students are eager to pursue their interests outside the classroom. With 450+ student-led organizations, here are just a few you could join: