Natural Sciences

Bridging two different areas of the natural sciences.
The natural sciences major lets you combine upper-level courses in two different areas of natural science. You can bridge biology and chemistry, chemistry and physics, or some other combination as long as the curriculum forms a coherent whole. This major prepares you for careers in medicine, dentistry, or veterinary science, if the introductory courses you choose follow the admission requirements to these professional schools.

Calculus I (Biology and Social Sciences)
This course focuses on differential and integral calculus. Topics include analytic geometry, functions, limits, integrals and derivatives, introduction to differential equations, functions of several variables, linear systems, applications for systems of linear differential equations, and probability distributions.

General Physics: Physical Science Major I
In this first semester of a two-semester sequence in general physics, we cover mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic physics.

Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/ Lab
This course reviews an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research.
Faculty Spotlight

Join the Club
Hopkins students are eager to pursue their interests outside the classroom. With 450+ student-led organizations, here are just a few you could join:
- Applying Science with Kids
- Charm City Science League
- HopAI
- HopHacks
- Hopkins Robotics Club
- Hopkins Psychedelic Science Club
- Hopkins Student Science Fiction and Fantasy Association
- Maryland Science Olympiad at JHU
- MedTech Network
- Nu Rho Psi
- Omega Psi (Cognitive Science Undergraduate Society)
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (oSTEM)
- SciComm
- The Triple Helix at Johns Hopkins University