Environmental Studies
Transform the environmental landscape by turning passion into action.
With a focus on the social sciences and humanities, Environmental Studies introduces the Earth’s living and nonliving systems and how humans interact with and affect those systems. This program will equip you to use influential resources, such as policy, science, communication, and individual and societal behavior change, to solve environmental and sustainability problems.
Introduction to Global Environmental Change
This is a survey of the Earth as a planet, with emphasis on the processes that control global changes. We pay special attention to present-day issues, such as global climate change, natural hazards, air pollution, resource depletion, human population growth, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity.
Environmental Policymaking and Policy Analysis
Welcome to a broad introduction to U.S. environmental policymaking and policy analysis. You’ll examine the political and legal framework, become familiar with precedent-setting statutes such as NEPA, RCRA, and the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and study models for environmental policy analysis.
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Geospatial Analysis
The course introduces the principles and practices of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related tools of Geospatial Analysis. You’ll get hands-on experience working with GIS software.
Faculty Spotlight
Join the Club
Hopkins students are eager to pursue their interests outside the classroom. With 450+ student-led organizations, here are just a few you could join:
- American Mock World Health Organization
- Blue Jay’s Perch Community Garden
- Compassion, Awareness, and Responsible Eating (CARE)
- Epidemic Proportions
- Hop Outside
- Hopkins Outdoors Club
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (oSTEM)
- SciComm
- Sustainable Hopkins Innovative Projects (SHIP)
- The Triple Helix at Johns Hopkins University