For some of you, it is nearing the college application deadline. You might be editing your list, finishing up your supplements, and/or taking that last standardized test before you send out all of those applications. I remember going through that and having no idea where I wanted to go or where I would end up. Today, I am very glad that I ended up at the school that is perfect for me. Inspired by that, I have written out an acrostic poem that highlights some of my favorite things about Hopkins.
H is for Humanities. Despite having excellent medical facilities and research opportunities for STEM majors, Hopkins’ humanities program is a hidden gem. It has one of the highest ranked writing programs in the world, and I can say from personal experience, that I am truly thankful for all that I have learned as a Writing Seminars and English double major.

O is for Opportunity. At a school like Hopkins, you will meet people from all over the world, and you are given the opportunity to partake in ground-breaking research, meet your literary heroes, help out in the city, and more.
P is for Persistent. It’s true, Hopkins is not a walk through the park. It is challenging both intellectually and mentally, but that is something I love about it. Learning does not stop once you leave the classroom, and by pushing yourself, you discover that you are capable of more than you knew.
K is for Kind. The people I have met here at Hopkins are some of the nicest, friendliest, people I have ever encountered. Despite being from all different parts of the world, the one thing we have in common is that we are all very open and interested in meeting new people.

I is for Intellectual Curiosity. When I was completing my applications senior year of high school, Hopkins was not a school I had focused on. It was almost as if it found me. One of the reasons why I think it is a perfect fit is because of its emphasis on intellectual curiosity and research. It is the first research university in the US and students are passionate about what they learn. We are all extremely passionate about our studies, and apply what we learn in class to things we see in our daily lives.
N is for Non-Competitive. I, like many other prospective students at Hopkins, was worried that the students would be competitive with each other. However, that is not the case at all. Rather than trying to tear others down, Hopkins students work together to improve. In all of my classes, students work collaboratively and bounce ideas off of each other and gain new perspective by learning from others.
S is for Service. Since Hopkins is situated in such a dynamic city, we have a lot of opportunities to help out in Baltimore. President’s Day of Service is a school-wide day where students go out into Baltimore and help out, but service activities are all around if you look for them.
Each day, I realize more and more about what I love about Hopkins. Just as Hopkins found me, the perfect school will find you and you will be happy wherever you end up. Your school is only as good as you make it.