As my first year at Hopkins comes to an end, I wanted to reflect on my favorite experiences while living in Wolman Hall. Here we go!
1. Meeting My Roommate
Claire, you were my first friend on campus. I am from out of state, so I didn’t know a lot of people in the Baltimore area. You made my first year very enjoyable. Thanks for always making me laugh with your terrible “Your mom” jokes. I’m looking forward to living with you next year too.
2. Cookies in Wolman Kitchen
Throughout the spring semester, my RA (Resident Advisor) held events in the evening where he would bake cookies in the Wolman common kitchen for the people on our floor to eat. It was the perfect way to relax and socialize with my friends on my floor after a long day. You’re a real one, Neal!
3. Cards Against Humanity in the Game Room
During orientation week, which is a week-long period designed to help new students acclimate to campus life, I played Cards Against Humanity in the Wolman game room with the new friends I made while exploring campus. I have fond memories of playing games, which was really great for bonding with different kinds of people.
4. Random Conversations in the Common Area
Sometimes me, my roommate, and our friends would study in our floor’s common area because we wanted a change of scenery. I’ve had plenty of impromptu conversations with the people living on my floor simply because they were passing through the common area, which has led to new friendships. Because of these conversations, I was able to find a study buddy for many of my classes!
While I’m sad to leave some of this behind, I’m also very excited for what the future holds. I look forward to making new friends and having new experiences. Thanks for tuning into my favorite memories while living in the residence halls.
Until next time,