If you’re interested in spending your summer in Italy learning about the mafia, visiting ancient sites, and having the best gelato ever—keep reading! Here’s a recap of my experience at the Summer Academy in Bologna, Italy, at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
I spent four weeks in Bologna, and my only complaint is that it wasn’t longer! The classes were incredibly engaging. One of my favorites focused on organized crime, where we dug into the Italian mafia’s influence in Bologna and throughout the country. What I enjoyed most about the program was its hands-on approach. We attended a conference in Parma on civil conflict, where we heard from top European scholars and had the chance to ask them questions directly. We also visited Monte Sole, a significant World War II site, which added depth to everything we were studying. I loved visiting the Catacombs of San Gennaro in Naples—it was remarkable to see structures that are thousands of years old still standing strong today.

Outside of classes and activities, we had plenty of time to explore Italy. I visited iconic cities like Rome, where I marveled at the ancient ruins, Venice, where I had the freshest seafood, and Florence, where the art was simply breathtaking. But my favorite city was Naples. Eating their famous fried pizza and relaxing on the beach was the perfect break from class. Each city had its own unique history and charm, which made me appreciate Italian culture even more.

Of course, we couldn’t leave without taking a pasta-making class! SAIS organized an authentic cooking experience for us, where we made pasta from scratch, learned about the agricultural influences behind Italian cuisine, and got to eat the delicious meals we made. In Bologna, the atmosphere was incredibly welcoming, and I quickly began to feel like a local. I found my favorite food spots, indulged in traditional Italian dishes, and embraced daily aperitivos (pre-meal beverage and light snacks). One of my favorite pastimes was attending nightly film screenings in the local plaza, Piazza Maggiore, where I had the chance to engage with the community and enjoy European cinema featured in the local film festival, Il Cinema Ritrovato.
Spending the summer in Italy was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you’re like me and feel nervous about the idea of spending an entire semester abroad, this program is a great fit. However, if you can’t get enough of the SAIS Italy campus, there are plenty of opportunities for a longer study abroad experience. Also, don’t let the cost deter you from applying. I was fortunate and grateful to receive scholarships from the Hopkins Global Education Office, the Hopkins International Studies Department, and SAIS. With this support, I had an amazing summer. As an international studies major, it was fascinating to learn about global affairs from a European perspective. I also made wonderful friends, whom I keep in touch with today. Overall, the Summer Academy in Bologna was an unforgettable experience that combined academic growth, cultural exploration, and plenty of delicious food—I can’t recommend it enough!