Most students at Hopkins are probably familiar with the Instagram account JHUFreeStuff, which posts daily updates about free food and events happening around campus. I certainly was. During my sophomore year, the account’s previous owner and creator, Isabel, posted an application to run the account on its Instagram Story. She had been searching for a replacement since she was graduating soon. As it turns out, I was the only one who actually finished the application.

At the time, I had no experience managing a social media account, so I didn’t expect to get the role. I applied because I’m passionate about sustainability and making sure leftover food from campus activities goes to a good home. I also care about bringing people together and helping them stay informed about campus events. On a more personal note, I wanted to be the first to know about what’s happening on campus. 

A few minutes after posting about the leftover food from a conference, all the food found a new home

When I took over JHUFreeStuff from Isabel, the account was already established and had a strong following. I quickly started receiving direct messages from students about leftover food, performances, free events, and more. I also keep an eye on Hopkins Groups, which lists all student activities and organization meetings; I typically post about the ones that are open to all students.  

There’s a bit of a misconception that I’m running around campus hunting down ice cream giveaways, but unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of time! That’s why I’m so grateful that students now reach out to the account to promote their groups’ events. In a way, JHUFreeStuff is like a corkboard for the digital age. 

While managing the account has been a fun addition to my resume, my favorite part has been how widely known JHUFreeStuff is across campus. When I casually mention that I run the account, it often feels like I’m revealing some kind of campus legend. It’s a weird but fun experience, and I genuinely enjoy knowing the account has helped people engage more with the Hopkins community. If I can play a small role in that, it makes me really happy. 

Looking ahead, I’ve found someone to take over the account for the next few years after I graduate. I’m excited to see JHUFreeStuff continue to grow and evolve while preserving the spirit of what Isabel created.