Name: Ethan I.
Hometown: Huntington Beach, California
Anticipated Major(s) and minor(s): Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
How did you discover Hopkins? I found it when searching for schools with good biomedical engineering programs. I loved the interdisciplinary approach towards education.
Who is the most influential person in your life and why? Mrs. Leslie, the director of the science program at my school. She took me under her wing and helped guide me through the first two years of high school. She was a mentor all the way through my senior year and really helped me flourish.
Is there a quote or motto that inspires you? What is it and what does it mean to you? Work Hard, Have Fun, No surprises. It’s my dad’s motto and I live by it.
What are you most excited to do in Baltimore? Explore the city
What do you hope to get involved in on campus? Lots of clubs and meeting lots of new friends
How has your family background or life experiences shaped you? I have always been driven to do my best both academically and extracurricularly.
What’s your best piece of college search advice for high school students? Don’t procrastinate on your essays or college list
What book, album/song, or TV show has had a profound influence on your life? Arrow; i have rewatched that show so many times. It has gotten me through many struggles
What fictional character do you most relate to or most closely represents you as a person?
What are you most excited for about coming to Hopkins? I can’t wait to experience the four seasons as I have grown up in Southern California my whole life
What is the accomplishment you’re most proud of? (big or small!) Publishing my book with a partner on our theoretical treatment to pancreatic cancer called Lykosa
If you could get ice cream with one person (real or imaginary; dead or alive), who would it be and what kind of ice cream would you get? Cookies n cream with Oliver Queen