Soon after graduating from Hopkins, I received my M.S. in Physiology and Biophysics from Georgetown University in 2019. Right afterwards, I started working as a medical scribe in a local hospital’s emergency department and applying to medical school. While doing so, I knew I wanted to find ways to help pay for medical school while staying involved in my community. So, I dusted off the cobwebs of a childhood dream of mine and signed up to compete in the Miss Washington County/Western Maryland Scholarship Competition (a local program of the Miss America Organization). I was pleasantly surprised and honored to win the title of Miss Western Maryland, which came with a $2,000 scholarship and plenty of community service opportunities. Thanks to the Miss America Organization, I was able to significantly reduce the cost of my medical school applications! Then, in June 2021, I competed for and won the Miss Maryland Competition! I earned $12,400 in scholarships at the state level that I can now put towards my medical school education at Des Moines University this coming fall! I compete for the job of Miss America this coming week. The final night competition will be live-streamed for free on Peacock on December 16, 2021 at 8 pm EST!
My experience at Hopkins was formative and crucial in preparing me for the job of Miss Maryland and beyond! I explored a wide variety of topics thanks to the no core curriculum, while still having the opportunity to focus on my passions in biology/medicine. Where else can you take classes and learn from renowned professors at an incredible music conservatory like Peabody, while also becoming a published author in a science paper? I participated in a wide variety of student groups, including Intervarsity and the Johns Hopkins Ballet Company, but one of my favorites was the Blue Key Society as a tour guide! My senior year, I then started working as a Student Coordinator for the Johns Hopkins Admissions Office, where I honed my public speaking skills and my ability to relate to a diverse array of individuals; those skills have been incredibly important in my role as Miss Maryland. The resources and network of Johns Hopkins equipped me for any and every opportunity available, from medical school to full-time jobs – and yes, even Miss America! I am so grateful for an alma mater that encouraged my passions and set me up for success, both inside and out of the classroom!