By Jorge A., ’26
Since elementary school, I have been fascinated by numbers. Determined to become the best at math in my class, I didn’t let anything get in the way of my accomplishments.
My hard work paid off, earning me one of the highest grades in the province on the University Entrance Exam in Spain. After serious thought, I took a risky decision: to pursue a college degree in the US. This choice surprised my family since even after a year of high school in England, I’ve always been very shy. I come from Tenerife, a small island where everyone is very close and friendly. But I knew that if I didn’t take that ambitious step, I would regret it in the future. Fortunately, my current institution gave me the opportunity to attend even though deadlines had passed. The small, liberal arts school allowed me to study math, but I am seeking more intellectual challenges.
I took the most demanding classes possible this semester, including Intro to Higher Mathematics and Electricity and Magnetism, which led me to discover new areas of interest and develop higher level skills. I joined the Math Research Team and the physics club, and co-founded the tennis club. I also worked as a network connectivity ambassador, discovering the engineering behind fiber optics and offering technical assistance to prominent economists at national conferences. I even had the chance to teach beginning piano lessons to three of my peers!
Now I want to deepen my advanced math studies, and Hopkins offers the expanded options I seek. My goal is to dedicate myself to math at Hopkins and ultimately pursue a PhD. I am inspired by the math club Ex Numera, where I will have the opportunity to participate in events and seminars given by Hopkins undergraduates. The abundance of math courses and specialties at Hopkins is truly amazing. I am attracted to advanced courses such as Mathematical Game Theory and Representation Theory.
I am also eager to follow the rich tradition of participating in research opportunities at Hopkins and working one-on-one with experienced faculty outside classes. In the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, I can work closely with faculty such as Professors Savitt and Consani, who are experts in the field of number theory. I will deepen my knowledge on the subject and strengthen my connection to the math community at Hopkins. Furthermore, interdisciplinary studies are important to me, so I look forward to taking computer science courses such as Artificial Intelligence and Modern Cryptography, and economics courses such as Econometrics, to expand my academic preparation. Outside the classroom, I can teach young students the fascinating world of the sciences by joining the Applying Science with Kids community, and the Humanitarian Organization for Medicine and Equity to create educational opportunities through community work.
Transferring to Hopkins will allow me to become part of a world-renowned academic environment, where research is encouraged and I will be pushed to excel.
Admissions Committee Comments
Jorge’s essay provides the admissions committee with a detailed narrative about his lifelong interest in mathematics: how he discovered it, cultivated it, and pursued it to the highest level available. Through this essay, Jorge effectively connects that narrative to why Johns Hopkins is the logical next step for him to further his interests in math, contribute to the larger Hopkins community, and set himself up for success in the future. By discussing extracurricular and research experiences that he’d like to join in detail, the admissions committee can seamlessly visualize how Jorge will join and thrive in our collaborative, hands-on learning environment.
Jorge A.“At first, I was very unsure of what I wanted to write my essay about. I realized that I did not need to write about anything extraordinary; just something I was very familiar with and passionate about. For this reason, I chose to write about my interest in the study of mathematics—in particular, my curiosity for numbers and patterns. The purpose of this essay was to show the committee that the study of mathematics is not only an academic goal of mine, but also a way for me to interact with other people and contribute to the expansion of science in society.
My best advice for prospective transfer applicants as they approach their essay writing process is to create an outline before starting to develop their ideas. Also, if you feel that some parts of your essay don’t work, don’t get discouraged and start again; first drafts do not need to be perfect! ”